
Ultraman fe3 cheat
Ultraman fe3 cheat

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Gen arrived to help the students escape as the first of the Flying Saucer Beasts continued to attack, sending acid all over the school. That time came, and Silverbloome returned to its massive size to begin attacking a nearby school, seeking more prey. Content with this show of his awesome might, Black commanded Silverbloome to revert to its smaller form to hide till the time was right. Commander Black watched, laughing as the jellyfish-like space monster laid waste to the city. Silverbloome descended on the city, engulfing and destroying a building with its massive strength. Finally, Black decided it was time and summoned the monster back to destroy the city. Spreading its toxic gas, Silverbloome paralyzed the man then consumed him alive. Confused, the scientist then tried to heat it using a Bunsen Burner, Which made Silverbloome awaken. Still wondering what it was, he struck it with a hammer, but Silverbloome was unharmed and remained inactive. Later that night, the alien floated into the air, preparing to escape, but was interrupted by the teacher returning to examine it. The class looked down at the strange rock, arguing over what it was until the teacher dismissed it as just a normal stone and placed it on his desk, totally unaware of the evil it contained. Deciding to keep prey nearby, the monster followed the boy to his class and was found again on the child's desk. A young boy on his way to school picked up Silverbloome, and when he arrived, the inactive Kaiju was placed in his locker. Silverbloome transformed into a new form, that of a rock, to hide out until his master called him into action once again. Never before had an Ultra lost so much, let alone to one monster. His rampage left hundreds dead, including several dear friends of Gen. For the first and only time in history, an Ultra’s support group had been utterly destroyed.Īfter not only consuming the bulk of MAC’s force but then laying waste to a city, Silverbloome was engulfed in a cloud of yellow gas and shrunk down to its smaller form. He was too late to rescue his friends from the destructive beast as it escaped him in order to continue to Earth, where it transformed into its true form. Gen complied and transformed into Leo to survive as the space station was destroyed, latching onto Silverbloome’s body and trying to fight. Before he left, he implored Gen to remain on Earth and defend it in MAC‘s stead.

#Ultraman fe3 cheat mac#

Realizing with MAC gone, and that he had taught Ultraman Leo everything he could do to help the Earth, Dan vanished into thin air to return to the Land of Light. The beast quickly grabbed onto the fighter and consumed all on board whole. However, most of MAC managed to get into a fighter and try to escape, but Silverbloome wouldn’t have it. MAC soon detected the strange behemoth on radar while in the midst of a party, but before any attack could be launched or defence mounted, the titan ambushed their space station with relentless fury, tearing into it with his tentacles and spewing acid into its hull, intending to consume it whole. True to their title, the first of Black's monsters took on the form of a flying saucer to come to Earth. Upon arriving on Earth, Black was quick to see the threat MAC would present to him, so he called his first pet, Silverbloome to Earth, intending to dispose of them. Instead, he commanded a total of eleven monsters housed on his homeworld, known as the Saucer Beasts. Unlike most aliens, Commander Black did not just command one kaiju. The vile Black Directive had set his evil eyes on Earth, as so many aliens had before him, including a large number in Ultraman Leo’s time alone. Silverbloome is designed after a jellyfish and a Japanese wind chime. This could be in reference to the petal like appendages at the base of its body. Silverbloome's name was created by combining the English word " Silver," and the German word for Flower, " Bloome", so its name literally means Silver Flower.

Ultraman fe3 cheat